Ketterra Lee Johnson


Origin of Name

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 My name is Ketterra Lee Johnson and I was born at 12:28 in the morning on August 18th, 2004.

 Life has been good to me…I have a dog and two cats who worship me and look at me with awe (Mommy says that they are scared of me…but I know worship when I see it…Mommy looks at me the same way when I am crying at 2:00 in the morning).  Mommy and Daddy are the absolute bestest in the world and they love me so much.

 I don’t know how often this information will be updated, but I am sure that new information will be posted after doctor’s visits, or when I do something special.  Daddy really likes his digital camera, so I am sure that the pictures will change pretty often. 

If you want to know anything special, or just want to send me a message, you can send it to Mommy’s e-mail account at

 Thank you and enjoy the website.
