Ketterra Lee Johnson


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May 19th

Weight – 21 pounds 12 ounces

Length – 27.5 inches

Notes: Can you believe that I am nine months old?  I didn't think that I would ever get to this point.  Though, in actuality, I guess you could say that I am 18 months old - only nine months on the outside of Mommy (tee hee).  No shots this time, I just had my finger pricked to test for my Iron levels.  I think that I like the finger prick better than the heel pricks.  I didn't even cry.  Next appointment is at 1 year!!!!

March 2nd

Weight – 20 pounds 2 ounces (I'm a big girl for six months!)

Length – 27 inches

Notes: I am out of the Infant carrier now!!!!  I have a big girl car seat, I sleep in a big girl bead, and I take big girl baths.  However, I still cry when I get shots.  I think that every time I get a shot then Mommy should too.  She cries anyway, this will just give her something to cry about!

December 16th

Weight – 16 pounds 7.5 ounces (I'm almost double my birth weight!)

Length – 25.25 inches

Notes: Well I wasn't able to convince Mommy that I didn't need anymore shots.  I had FOUR more.  Not fun.  I had a bit of a fever this time, but with a bit of grape flavored infant tylenol I was better in a jiffy.  Mommy says that I have to go back in two more months.  I don't think that I will get out of it this time either...but at least Mommy goes with me.  In fact, I think that the shots bother her more than me!

October 19th

Weight – 12 pounds 7.5 ounces (I'm getting so big!)

Length – 23.5 inches

Notes: I had my first set of immunizations (not counting the Hepatitis B that I started in the hospital).  They really weren't so bad.  Daddy held my hand and also Mommy's.  I think that Mommy cried more than I did.  I didn't have any reactions to the injections other than getting a bit fussy.  No fevers thankfully.  Mommy says that I have to go back in two months - but I figure that I have two months to change her mind.  Wish me luck!!!

September 2nd

Weight – 8 pounds 11 ounces (yeah! Back to birth weight)

Length – 21 inches

Notes: had my last PKU test (I really don’t like those heel stick things).  Everything seems to be good with the next appointment at my two month birthday.  I have a bit of a cold, but it is getting better.  The nasal bulb thing is starting to rank up there with the heel sticks.

August 26th

Weight – 8 pounds 5 ounces

Length – forgot to check (really have to work on Mommy with this one!!)

Notes: jaundice has cleared up and my head is almost back to normal with bruising and scabs.  Remind me not to try that again.

August 18th

Weight – 8 pounds 11 ounces

Length – forgot to check

Notes: slight jaundice issues and some bruising/abrasions on my head from the trauma of both deliveries.